Emergency Notification for Educational Institutions

 Emeregncy Notification for Schools and Campuses provide audible and visual notification for threats including active shooter, severe weather, Earth Quake and other threats. 

In case of an emergency, it is most beneficial to your academic institution to have systems implemented that can quickly and efficiently notify your students and faculty of any dangers present.

According to a recent poll at ACUTA of several top universities in the country, diversity is the key to emergency message notification. How many ways can a message be sent out?

We offer the most comprehensive solution to getting accurate information out quickly. Our proactive Emergency Message Notification System delivers, reverse 911, a secure conference bridge for constant assessment and open lines of communication, voice and text messages to tens of thousands of people, within minutes, by simply making one phone call, alerting recipients home phone, cell phone, work phone, pager, email, and wireless PDA, this product provides comfort and security for all parties including parents throughout your academic institution. Providing a safe and viable educational institution is the goal of all parents, and there is no better way of ensuring them of this security than by employing these superior emergency notification systems. Additional features include the capability to continuously alert these recipients until confirmation of delivery has been made. The AMS with a single action can call a first response team of security, fire, and police officers to collaborate and search for the best solution to impede any treacherous situations.

  Emergency Notification for Universities and Campuses
  Emergency Notification for K-12
  • Provides instant live collaboration with first responders, Campus Security, Police, Fire, and Medical Emergency. Situation assessment is the key component for quick, successful resolution. Predetermined groups can be set up to manage specific situations. I.e. Fire emergency, medical emergency, bomb threat, crime, weather related emergency, school closings.
  • Emergency Message and Non Emergency notification that includes Text, SMS, Email, Screen Pops, Interface to Electronic Message Boards, Paging System, and Voice Calls to thousands of individuals in minutes.
  • Optionally provides the ability to share photos, documents, drawings and maps to other responders. Sharing vital information improves response time.
  • Real time status reports that provide real time viewing of the messaging session. Users can see status of each call as it is being made and also receive status reports of the entire messaging session including which calls went to voice mail or answering machines.
  • Automatic digital recording of emergency collaboration. Can be used in emergency follow up investigations.
  • Provides additional expenditure justification and ROI by including system features system that can be used year around including a fully featured distance learning tool and an Audio and Web Collaboration system.
  • Optional SafePath Module provides mass evacuation with supervised automated audio voice instructed messaging through the existing campus paging system. We can interface with any existing paging system and broadcast alert/instruction for tornado, bomb, terrorist etc. It can also be integrated with sensor and detection systems, including chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive (CBRNE) systems, intrusion detection, access control, and fire alarms.

The Optional Safepath module offers the perfect compliment to our Emergency Notification System by providing an emergency voice evacuation system throughout your facility, along with an equally important synchronized strobe system to ensure everyone is warned in a moment’s notice. The combination of these two products will ensure a safe & secure academic environment, so you can focus furthering your students educations.

For more information call us at 800-335-0229.

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